A Rainy Day

A rainy day,

        so cold, so wet.

A hot chocolate day,

        to warm me up,

A staying inside day,

     Just to dream,

        and wonder,

            and love.

A rainy day,

        so cold, so wet.

A different day,

     From all the rest.

Made just for me,

      to dream,

        and wonder,

            and love.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this one on October 19, 1981 ... my step father had died in Feb 1979 and he was the one who called rainy days "hot chocolate days"
This is one of my mother's favorites that I have written, and the one poem I wish had gotten lost over the years. I probably consider it to be one of my worst, but it makes my mom think of my dad ... so I put it here for her, and for him. Dad, I miss you, after all those years, I still miss you!

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