Filipino Time
Clark Steven Lupton
Published in Whats On & Expat May 18 – 24, 2003
You tell me to meet up with you at five
But it's past 6:30 when you arrive
It's almost like a crime
When you arrive on Filipino Time
You would be in good graces surely
If only you came in early
And you'll start off badly on a date
If you show up that late
And it's kind of like cheating
When you're late for a business meeting
And it makes other people sour
When you agree on a time and add an hour
Lateness is like a big bad vulture
And you say it's Filipino culture
How can the country grow,
When you put a poor show?
Be on time, and I mean you
This is my point of view
Just as a church has its steeple
You should be considerate to other people