pen to paper,
no not quite.
leave mistakes to learn
remodel mistakes as I write.
Combining yesterdays memories
along with tomorrows dreams,
Today will be just as it seems. (just the way you created it).
A creator of poetry
Yes a poet, something like an addict
Addicted to writing poems
Looking for the certain high in the form of words
Those words to make me feel
Umm Umm Good.
Will this be the one, the best I've ever done
Could this one take me right to the top?
Maybe, but somehow I feel after this one
I just won't stop.
I need to write, I need to express
I want to feel free and poetry is the only thing that lets me be me.
I'd be lonely without it.
Ahhhhh Poetry
A way to show that I'm here.
There's no dealers in poetry
Just some addicts willing to share.
For right now I am my own supplier
Each poem that I write takes me there
But the next one will take me higher.
Always changing the position I'm in
it's very hard to stay still
Somebody please hand me a pen.
Ahhhhh Poetry. (got to love it)