My brother’s guitar

My brother’s guitar is very special for him, he keeps it in a very particular spot in my house, where it is safe and no one can touch it. I remember the very first time he asked my parents if he could play the guitar and take lessons, that day was 15 years ago, he was so excited about learning how to play that the minute he started taking lessons, he fell in love with it. The music, the rhythm, the musical notes he had to learn how to read and write, took him into the magical world of music. He was so into it that he played the guitar for hours; I couldn’t understand his passion and discipline so I asked him: what is the thing that you love the most about playing the guitar? He answered me like this: playing the guitar is the only thing that puts my mind at ease; it helps me understand the world and look at it differently. Playing the guitar makes my mind travel through all the places of the world and every time a play a different piece, from a different composer, the music portrayed in the paper sheets, feels like I am getting to know the composer, his background, his feelings and hearing the music they wanted to express wonders me every time, because the more you play a piece, the more feelings you can perceive, all sort of different things come to my mind and hearing the music makes me feel complete, satisfied, and amused.
Hearing those words from my brother, I understood his passion and devotion to playing the guitar, but before he told me, I couldn’t understand why he had to play that much, sometimes it eventually annoyed me hearing the same notes over and over again, but after his words I started hearing differently and began to understand what the composer wanted to transmit through his paper shits. Eventually I started liking my brother’s annoying playing and appreciate his commitment to hard work and long hours of practicing. Now, my brother is a professional guitarist, he has won international guitar contest, given concert all over México and was invited by La Orquesta Filarmonica de Monterrey to play the guitar concert El Aranjuez by Joaquin Rodrigo, one of the most difficult and challenging pieces in the classical music world.

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