Te demostrare(I will show you)

Poem Folder

Te demostrare que la vida es mas de lo que vez(I will show you that life is more than what you see)
Te demostrare que para siempre te amare(I will show you that I will love you and adore you forever)
Te demostrare que jamas te desamparare(I will show you that I will never desert you)

Por que por ti yo muero (Because I die for you)
Por culpa tuya yo me enamore(because of you I fell in love)
Por que me enamore?(Why did I fell in love)

Me enamore de tu sonrisa(I fell in love with your smile)
Me enamore de simplemente tenerte en mi vista(I fell in love by having you in my sight)
Me pierdo en la profundidad de tus ojos(I get loss in your deep eyes)

Grandes y bellos aquellos que quitan mis miedos(big and beautiful those that take a way my fear)
La puerta de tu alma que calma mis mares y volcanes y lluvias y furias(The gate of your soul that calms my seas,volcanoes,rains and furies)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

forever yours dedicated to my princess named Jazmine <3

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