"No Pretentions"

No Pretentions

If you really take your time

you can see through most anything

take any window for instance

The front reveals a porch with plants

sustaining life even in the midst of smothering heat

beyond that a garden withers to a sun coming down

the birds feed and splash in a bath nurtured by human hands

and a garden hose that also sprays life to grass burning beneath North Texas skies

sweltering one day after another in these dog days of August.

Look out through the back

there's a forrest full of wildlife

many finding brush to hide from the days

until the night gives them relief to come out to play

A highway roars in the distance as engines race past cruise control

looking for home and the comfort of being there.

Look through the screen and into the Stars

feel the splendor of all you see before you





it's all there

shared and cherished by everyone that wants to embrace it

and all you have to do is hold out your heart

there will be many extending the warmth of theirs in return.

Don't look through, see inside my heart

I am nothing more than what I am

No pretending

if I were vengeful I would be a raving lunatic

if I were at war I would have done fired a nuclear bomb

No, I sit here in my chair and absorb the attacks from my bedroom window

while I only eat biscuits because I don't know how to make gravy

Yes, I write bad metaphors

but again, I never pretended to be much of a Poet

in fact, I've often said I wasn't

some only hear what they want to hear

I guess bitter is easy to taste and harder to digest

especially if you can shade the sun with a pair of cheap sunglasses.

I hear there's a solution to the problem

but it involves death

I've had my share of that the past two years

Even though I hate the heat of Summer

I shudder at the thought of an early Winter

so put your tools away

or grab your hammer and come my way

quit bringing other's into it

they don't deserve your wrath

afterall, it's Me you really want to take down

and I'm easy to find,

for I am just a simple man

and that should to be easy enough for someone like you.

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