"Winter's Noose"

Winter's Noose

Last Winter closed with the passing of such beautiful youth

Spring and high school fame right around the corner,

then on some old country highway, sometime past midnight,

deadman's curve collected another bounty,

not the drunk driver, the one who had been at the party all night

but the kid who had just got there because he had to work late.

He threw down a couple from what I hear

and got in the car with his friend for that last ride.

I remember standing in front of a thousand Women, Men, and Children

telling stories, pausing to laugh, to cry, and then reading his poem I wrote

"Josh's Smile"

I finished by telling everyone that it sure didn't seem fair

that Josh was taken away from us so soon

Why Him, why the other night, what did he do so wrong

that God chose Him to come Home in the young innocence of it all?

Then it dawned on me in front of everyone,

the only explanation there could be.

I looked around at all the tears and deep heartaches

and I said

"I reckon God needed An Angel that night

and he sure couldn't have chose a more Beautiful One than Josh"

and that was a Winter past.

This Winter began with pouring rain and devastating winds

a thunderous storm that flooded the foundation of Hope,

destroying a Man on an old country road

in a barren November field now marked with a large cross

filled with signatures of loved ones, forever etched in loving memory

of another good Man gone too soon,

and my Sister still to this day

playing on the edge of sanity, because she misses her Husband so much.

Then there's Me, trying to nurse, prod, do whatever it takes

to get a once proud Father through Winter,

and Hope that Spring will be kind and that maybe he will decide to live again.

Seems like so long ago he was walking tall, yet it's only been months,

could be the two packs a day

maybe it's the whiskey mixed with coffee, or juice, or even milk now,

the starting so early in the morning that I haven't even got my head on straight yet,

all I know is draw the dot from the bad heart and lungs

and you find me at the end of the pen, Angry

and that breaks my heart

Just like he fell and broke his hip yesterday

Damn! Winter is hanging on

Now I find carvings in the bark of an old dead tree

random letters that spell no words

a riddle perhaps?

Certainly not to the author who cruises the highways

with one hand on the steering wheel, the other playing his guitar

Singing, "My My, Miss American Pie"

I'm too old to play games

the ocean is too cold to go surfing,

and this Winter has lasted way too long

There's a very old saying by a very wise one

"Let those without sin cast the first stone"

I won't be throwing stones anytime soon

but Man can I jet a rock!

A confession, I'm getting tired of the Arctic air

it sucks the breath right out of your lungs

and it weighs those rocks down to where you don't even want to pick them up again

Thank God For Love

Someone asked me last night how I would feel if I didn't have that anymore?

The answer to that is simple,

Winter would be Forever

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