"A Chorus Undressed In Forever's"

A Chorus Undressed In Forever's

I can't read the future

yet I know tomorrow's answer

I want to hold you forever

into a fall of satin pleasures

undressing heaven

in the breath of swollen whispers

where sacred tongues are unrehearsed

in fragile moments of explosions

beneath cotton candy kisses

that melt inside the spill of our thunder

I want to bathe in the curl of your wrap

soak in the wet of sweetest surrender

I want to sleep with you forever

into velvet hours of midnight's soft

where rain exposes us hushed

in early spring's summer swelter

I find myself worshiping your beautiful beg

pouting beneath the swell of my appetite

I want to lay with you forever

sipping wine from red pastel lips

uncovering the thirst we crave

discovering deliverance in the folds of hunger

I cherish how we build fires

in the warmth and comfort of home

I want to be with you forever

touching you

teasing you

pleasing you

and when we close our eyes

in the slay of tangled sheets

you'll always feel the swirling winds

of my destiny

as my heart sings the chorus

I will love you forever


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