"Draped In Whispers"

Draped In Whispers

Two hearts dance

in sweet southern melt

silhouette's clinging to the torch

of last nights moonlit burn

covered in silk

and draped in rainbows

nothing left but US

as we find the other side of midnight

and bathe in the essence of our rain

Without words we write the soft of flesh

brushing naked sighs with each lashing

of tongue strokes dipped in pink satin

with the swallow of unspoken promises

soon to come

I catch you when you fall fragile

beneath my kisses

uncovering madness

in the insanity that plays fierce

to the melody of our thunder

Time finds us hushed in the silence

between the raindrops

where we discovered our deepest aches

crying with each breath in the wind

cradling the destiny we share

in a harvest of heaven

one whisper at a time


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