"Heat Of The Moment"

Heat Of The Moment

A long moment, a long pause,

I looked into her eyes

I saw what she was thinking,

they were on fire, filled with desire

she needed me and I wanted her

our bodies melting together.

Her soft skin, blazing to the touch

the electricity between us, what a rush!

I fed upon the hunger of her fever

pulse racing, I knew she was eager.

We crashed to the floor, knowing nothing but the desires we shared inside

hands upon wet flesh, beginning to slide,

kisses hard as our tongues raced

temperature climbing in the heat of our embrace.

Tasting pleasures I never knew before

delirious, only knowing I wanted more,

my mouth, hands, were all over the flesh of her beauty

wet with desires as she urged me to fill her completely.

We were lost in the heat of the moment

knowing only the thirst of this fire inside

burning us up as we rode the waves of a stormy tide.

All of a sudden there was an echo of screams,

as she wrapped herself around me.

At that moment,

we both knew the pleasures of true ecstasy.


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