"When I Reminisce"

Love's Stage

When I Reminisce

How can a man love again,

when he has loved you so much?

How can a man feel again,

when he has felt your touch?

You scorched me with a blazing fire

torching my every desire

the heat shared between us,

fantasy filled lust.

When we were together, sparks flew!

Now all I have left

are the memories I once knew.

When I reminisce,

I remember the way you closed your eyes as we kissed

long, slow, deep and passionate filled

giving our love time to build.

Memories flood me,

of the touch of your beauty.

Memories overcome me,

of the love you allowed me to see.

How can a man love again,

when he has loved you so much?

How can a man feel again,

when he has felt your touch?

I don't know how

but I do know now

when I reminisce,

I will forever remember

the way you closed your eyes as we kissed.

©Brian Glenn

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