"Blinded By Rainbows Lost In Lonely"

Blinded By Rainbows Lost In Lonely

I stumbled across a universe I once knew tonight
just a few hours before a new decade is to begin
It is filled with stars shining gloriously with love
each lit with the eternal fire of always and forever
so many smiles facing the moon with promises
and then I turned the page of the year to come
There in front of me were the lies
wrapped in tears I've tried hard to hide
but no longer
I can only surrender.

I see the words and come close to crumbling
I feel the sighs and hold your heart and I'm melting
but then I realise tomorrow is coming
and that leaves yesterday staring right at me
Where the lies lay close to the sun
as it rises to meet me in the pouring rain
and there are no rainbows after this storm
Only the lonely of a past
and a future ready to turn.

Swimming isn't my sport but somehow I always find myself
in your ocean
funny how that works when you're just looking for a river
to cool your feet for a while
then you end up so far out to sea you think you're drowning
Not in a rush of salt water
but in a wave of tears
you bathed in for years
Lying to yourself
and fooling no one else.

Let the new bell toll
and maybe once in a while I will still stroll
down what was our memory lane
It will always be hard to forget you and what we shared
especially how much I truly cared
but the time has come to understand
that even when fantasy is a reality
it can be blinded by love's greatest challenge


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