"The Blues Man"

The Blues Man

I wrote many songs last year
but none as beautiful as the fragile chords
you wrapped around the tears of my heart
I cried when you sang the sadness
of Cinderella's castle being torn down
I weeped at the thoughts you never knew
I found at the bottom of the staircase
Where rain flooded the property
now condemed by winds of change
Blown in by discoveries of lost love
and goodbyes that never had a chance to be said
Only written on paper that was torn in the spiral
of your escape.

I pour over the scraps left at my feet
drowning the words you left dry
Fear finds me on the last page
afraid to turn to the back cover
where I know the end awaits my signature
to be penned in the ink of loss
And another winter that can't find spring.

I'm writing songs again
only this time
all alone
Leaving last years chill
on the end of my pen
a reminder that life is delicate
Like a rose in a June storm
the thorns stay strong
and the petals lay fallen
beneath the sounds of heavy music
The blues of yesteryear.


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