"Christmas Comes Quietly" (Acrostic)

Christmas Comes Quietly

Catch that tear, it falls
hopelessly, still in love with you,
remembering that Christmas morning when
I asked you to marry me, and I
swear you lit up like the beautiful
tree you were sitting next to.
My heart was racing waiting for those words you said
"Always and Forever Baby" and I thought
Santa really came through that year.

Christmas was always my favorite time
of the year, but with you
my life took on an even greater meaning,
everyday was like Christmas
sharing our hearts unconditionally.

Quiet now fills this house I sit alone in
unconditional went out the window like a passing summer breeze
I fear I faded with that same wind
everyday just another day without Christmas
time just a wheel that turns without me
Love, a gift that will forever be a memory
You, a twinkling star in the evergreen of Christmas Past.


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