"Straight Shot To Hell"

Straight Shot To Hell



didn't matter that night

intentions were to forget,

figured it would take a bottle or two

should have known better,

this was about you.

Tequila without the sunrise

a dark night with Jose

didn't matter,

I was looking for an ocean.

Knew what I was doing

brought my tears with me

even had my own designated driver,

a bottle of emotion.

Went through hell that night with you

right arm got a workout

pocket was emptied

vaguely recalling that last long island tea,

except for the headache

and fading memory.

Old Granddad was a wise one

knew how to cure

wasn't take two and call me in the morning

was straight shots through the heart,

I listened well.

A new day

an old hangover

but at least it was over,

the night I drank you away.

©Brian Glenn

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