"I Pray With Thee"

South Side Of Love

I will always remember 9-11 vividly in my mind, and especially, in my heart. Those haunting images on TV as the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center came into our living room via the media and the fears that accompanied them that this was real and happening to our nation in front of our eyes. It was truly devastating in more ways than I could have ever imagined.

I grew up as a boy and played war many times in the backyard with plastic army soldiers blowing them up with dirt clods and rocks wishing it was the real thing. How sad the irony.

Growing up during the Vietnam conflict put a different spin on my ideas of war, it brought to  mind the loss of so many innocent lives for what, political gain? Were we really in it to stop Communism, and if so, why not go full force to put an end to it and help the other country? I was young and never did understand the full reasons of why the Vietnam War.

I am older now, but still have so many questions that can never be fully answered.

One thing I do know is Terrorism is real, War is real, and it goes on everyday. Not just here in the United States, but everywhere. Yes war, we are at war folks and the end is not in sight, and may never be. Hard facts in a hard life that grew comfortable, maybe a bit too comfortable?

Soldiers marching off to war are innocent, but never come back that way, if they come back at all. Civilians under attack innocent, but their families and friends only have the memories left of that innocence, after it is taken away by the tragedy of war. Heroes with the courage in their heart to save others, struck down by the devastation of war.

It has happened all through history, it has happened all too recently.

I wrote a little piece hours after 9-11. I think it is appropriate to share it with whomever would like to read it. In memorial to not only all the innocent lives lost, but who have lost...

I Pray With Thee

26 hours after this horrible devastation

Innocent lives lost in wretched destruction

I sit with pen in hand struggling to write

After so many tears flowed throughout the night

What words can I speak to make a difference

Will they at all make sense?

I weep of the loss of so many loved ones

Friends, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons

There really are no words to justify how I feel

Sorrow, fear, and anger are all so real

I know in my heart we will get past this tragic day

Unity will prevail with our strength to pray

September 11, 2001

The day our nation was violated in the first degree

God Bless America

I Pray With Thee...

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