"Blood Loss"

South Side Of Love

Blood Loss

I stand before you

mirror in hand,

I want to see what you see

feel what you feel

and most importantly,

Understand how.

I'm afraid the reflection does me justice

I don't see anything

feel anything

and most importantly,

I still don't understand.

Am I blind

or is it this solid confinement

that I pass notes through?

Can you really feel my words

touch what bleeds through

these cells I've been locked behind?

Look upon the floor

there is a fresh spill

where keys rusted for decades


Beware what you will find

if you choose to kneel down before me,

Trying to save a future of pasts

that poisons the very warmth

that flows in the promise of open doors.

I'm still standing

the mirror shattered

and most importantly,

I finally understand

why everyone walks away


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