I look into your eyes and I love you, how can I not ?
Everything about you is there for me to love
The way you smile, the way you tilt your head, the sunlight in your hair
Your voice, your kindness, your laugh, the way you speak with me, the way you even look at me
How you look in the morning, how you look in the night, I never stop loving you
This is how it is for me, everyday, every moment I see you or think of you
I cannot stop it, I do not even want too, but I know that if I did, it would never leave me
I met you in a time of great anguish in your life, never dreamt you would even look at me, nevermind care for me
I had no intentions of losing myself to you, I just wanted to be a friend, be there for you
I managed to do that, managed to help you and in doing so I bound myself to you deeper than I could ever imagine
I fought it, fought it hard, I have been too hurt, too close before, but I knew I would fail
I craved my time with you and still do, I loved every second we spent together
I had no thoughts that you would feel the same, yet amazingly you did
You responded, you chose to love me as I had hoped you would
You gifted me your heart and mine exploded with happiness at the realisation
You would not know this but every day was a blessing for me
Every day I woke and with waking the knowledge of your love washed over me
Every morning was a happy day because I awakened to you and that made me feel amazing
In some way a part of me was healed with your love, with your openness and need
With your intense passion and excitement at being with me
I was convinced that this was it, that I would never lose you
I let you deep into my heart, I loosed the drawbridge and let down the defenses
I sent away the dragon that defended my heart, I did not want anything stopping how I felt
I left myself open to you, to your love, to everything of you, and was happy to do so
I didnt know that anything would change, I never doubted, never saw what was to come
To this day I do not know what happened within you, I doubt I ever will, I doubt you will also
Yet you closed yourself to me, you withdrew your love, your need, your passion and your heart
I know you still care, I know there is still love within you, yet I know it is locked away, and I do not have the key
I waited, I tried patience, but as you know, I am not a patient man
I tried being direct, but that is not the way with hurt and confusion, and I know I pushed too hard
I thought being together would finally breach the prison that held your love, and I believe for a second it did
I cannot believe that when looking in your eyes, holding you in my arms, gazing deep within you
Kissing your beautiful lips, touching your hair, and feeling you respond to me
That the love you truly hold was still caged, still locked away
For those brief moments, for those times of closeness, it was loose and burning within you
Can you know how it feels to hold someone you adore close
Hear her breathing as she sleeps close beside you
See passion and need in her eyes as you kiss and touch each other
And know that even then, even at the most intimate of moments
The love you know you see, you know is there will be washed away
So now I wait, maybe forever, but I strive to be patient, which is not what I am
I yearn for the day that perhaps the love you lost will be found again
For you to gaze into my eyes and tell me you are mine, that you love me, and to know it is forever
To hold you close in my arms and feel no barriers anymore, no holding back of yourself
To be consumed by your burning desire, your aching need and your deepest love
Finally, I just want you to know how I feel, and how special you are,
And the joy and the beauty and happiness you gave me in this very bad year I have experienced.
Your closeness, your love helped me more than you know,
And although for now, maybe forever, the love you felt is gone, what I hold in my heart will never go away
So thank you my love, for what you gave to me of you, I will cherish it always
I love you