
a rose on a wicker bench
an emptied wine bottle
carelessly tipped over on a bedroom floor
shear silk curtains fluttering all gauzy upon
a summer's breeze
while wind chimes in the shadows
to their own sound cling
a splash of lavender
draping a pale, soft, sloping, feminine hip
as it languishly lays
tell tale artist's fingers tracing quivering male flesh
sunshine so supple upon each freshly awakened
languorous lovely eyes sleepily smiling
all like riveting regalities
drowning themselves before a near magical
absolute clusters of benchmark memories
of moments which one's heart never fully forgets
dare we even deny...........
(July 16, 2014 3am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was feeling in such a delicious romantic mood earlier this am but you must permit me a little poetic license in my word usage. For example I know languishly is not really a word and regalities may not be the best comparison but those came and I could not in good conscience omit them. I own up to my guilt. Sentence me as you must! but do so with a modicum of understanding and respect. much obliged.........enjoy!

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