from riveting line to riveting line
I read such stunning damage amid
beautiful concepts and words
a kaleidoscope of gore even perhaps
but such lovely confusion wove for me
the reader, a mesmerizing course
what education and literature read
between life experiences had
molded such a mental force
still very much a child of a mere
but loading guns of thought and
self introspection nearly thrice
her physical age
an old soul grips her youth
like the tumbling brush of sage
a thunderstorm she has unleashed
throughout her lines
why her imagery itself could behead
the page
I counseled and praised her talent thus
I wanted to inspire the course she
may one day choose to abandon
for an abominable mistake it would truly be
I look at all of this as
'An Epiphany Of A Young Poetess'
like that of a drinking Irishman
when I read about the evils of drinking
he said
I gave up reading
through these linesI hope to encourage
her to store up the stamina to stay
true to herself
listen to her gut and write like a wind
blowing through those creative doors
in her head
for poetry is the eyes she will need
to see through all that fog she details
so to better analyze
proof from her highly intelligent ramblings
much beauty can be born and preserved
from the ashes of such incalculable disturbance............
(May 16, 2014 1230pm)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by fellow post poems poetess inhaereo'spoetrry

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