



please tell me if you can

how do I convince you

my feelings are true

they are not weak

like you seem to think

nor should they constantly be questionable

just because they are new

so much unchartered territory

we must traverse towards each other

with limited vision always at our disposal

around so many corners no woman or man

is able to fully see

you can't pretend you know what's in my heart

and then perceive to judge it as less than worthy

and I can't always with you, on every issue agree

all i can do is be for you the best possible version

of me that I know how to be

but I am fallible, remember such statement thus

I read somewhere that life is but reflections

bumping up against others' reflections

and cracking the mirrors of each our selves

with the edges of those whom we most trust

I find this to be a reliable metaphor for how we

as every day damaged human beings live in our

fumbling attempts to connect and find love

what you and I have, must be worth having

as we both hurt so much in these early emotional

growing pains we endure

where others would all too easily bail

you and I rather choose to row 

just please know

that you not only possess the hands

to wound

but just as well

those that can oh so easily cure

for me you are the ship that can never fail

I hope you can see the very contours of my

tender heart in all of this

for there are really no adornments to cover me

where you are concerned...............

(March 22, 2014 849am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for someone very special............. and he knows who he is.

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