THE FINAL GIFT (Ronald Reagan)


the world stood to mourn that day

we put down our politics

and grieved a so beloved man

that shining house on the hill

he often spoke of

seemed all the more real

respect rolled out in waves

across the head bowed nation

for once positive grief

lit the dim interiors of our nostalgia

assuaging somewhat

the national horror of 31 years prior

when another so beloved president

was taken away

far too soon and so very cruelly

'The Final Gift'

his beloved better half

so graciously gave to we the world

the once great communicator was lost

but for her, her life long sweetheart

from her made his final journey home

as my heart weeps blood tears

I bid this father like president a fond farewell

walk with me one day in heaven

I,in  a manner of brethren request

and share with me all the truths

that were never told from your lips

as a deeply thoughtful human..............

(Feb. 16, 2014 925am)




Author's Notes/Comments: 

I watched on the History channel earlier today a biography on Reagan and it was very moving. This poem was born of that. In the piece they said that the state funeral arranged for Reagan was very carefully chosen and set up by Nancy. It was they called it her final gift to him. Hense the title.

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