
many a time
I see them so clearly
clearer than most
would even care 
enough to look
broken angels
they appear to me
spilling out their

fractured light
so innocently beautiful
whereas others
too often
just view the damage
they display
via the overly exhibited
tantrums and uncontrollable rage
never looking beyond
the visage of
the vehicle given
to my soul's way of thinking
these inhabitants
are but spiritual professors
ten year and top in their human fields
offering such valuable pro bono advice
at dizzying levels of

too often unintellligible intellect
that mere mortals of mediocre vision
can barely comprehend
yet far too often stupidly fear.................
(Jan 12, 2014 1018pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written upon observing my clients I work with in the group home.


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