
gorgeous garlands
to each others lives
we have gradually
so stunningly become
why. you are my heart's jacket
and I, your choicest thoughts' scarf
the 'Ensemble' we share is
flattering, intuitive and kind
you remake me into the better
human being I was always
meant to be
whereas you are my soul's
finest counterpart
pupil/teacher to my teacher/pupil
we seem to have interwoven to morph
curiosity's own co conspirators
that we are
diverse forces infusing our beauty
on an age that screams
to the true beauty less
carving in these stones of mortality
love's bountiful sage
where the heart's memory gently tends
to fade
the soul never forgets
the deeper conversations
between us grow
in their words of confidence
love comes back again and again
cementing promises so long ago
mutually rent
the dividends we reap
make for a life so
utterly focused
is a worn out hat
neither one of us would
care to claim
fits anymore
but since
you are a painting in my life
that I never want to stop looking at
I'll hang you ever up in my heart
to proudly show anyone who cares
enough to look
that your beauty was sketched for none
other but me
God made it so
and I know we will cherish and
miraculously mold each other
until one or both of us returns to dust..................
(Sept.11, 2012 430am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was in a highly romantic mood and when I get this way I create a make believe lover and woo him with a poem. This one turned out very nicely. I was quite pleased with the end result. I wanted to counter the sadness of this particular day in history so I decided to write something hopeful and full of love rather than reflect on the ugliness that once was 11 short years ago.

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