
in lamp lit luster
sensuous gauzy droppings
disburden their grace
a tantalizing line here
a titillating phrase there
as muse adjusts her clothing
a piquant resurgence
lays claim
to the reader's lingering gaze
candlelight and music
hardly hold the corner market
on romance's fluttering pace
a deeper more delicious
engtanglement must
somehow be served to take
throat baring hold
as romantic dealings scatter fear
words are the ultimate allurement
dominions for the beautifully bold
succulent shall be
such moments strip teased to
set aside your insulating preconceived
notions now
and allow the mirrors of the eyes
to lock and intimately ball dance
for the more seducing the line
the far elaborate better the cognitive high
of such elusive trance............
(Sept. 23, 2011 121pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

how deliciously romantic it is to read a love poem written to you by the truest of lovers but also a most uniquely gifted one. There is not quite anything to compare to it ,especially when he is as honest and true as he is loving and skilled.

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