you can tip over the apple cart
but you could never wipe out a whole
entire orchard
by stepping on the few rotten apples
you perceive as a threat
you proved to the world
that we all have our own crazies
and to think
you who look so sane
and normal yourself
meticulously put together
a plan that massacred
nearly eighty
but why your own country men
for when you do so
you make more room
for those foreigners
you claim to fear
to step even farther in
and get a stronger hold on
the fringes of your society
even before your senseless acts
were done
misguided you were
'Mr. Massacre Man'
fear and hate monger
carrying around a car bomb
and an automatic weapon
you, so like that of a coward
have become
going on to kill
innocent teenagers
canoeing and hiking at a
youth camp
born to such a lovely people and land
but you couldn't see the truth
even if it were written upon the back
of your own hand
God lives in every living creature,
plant and organism
but most especially every
breathing thinking man
whether he be
a Buddhist,
a Christian,
a faithful Islamic to his holy Quran
or even a Hindu spiritual holy man
why even the most adamant atheists
are unknowingly guided by
his all loving hand
all are soul invested humans
infused with love from
the most magnificent HIM
living the lives they were
brought here to live......................
(July 26, 2011 534am)