
ah but yes
the artificiality can be
beauty unto itself
one's actions
no matter how trivial
or earnest
can be just as telling
as the story teller's own voice
vibrations in our lives
we make
as we select and or do
not select this or that
given choice
there are greater forces
for which we must
unconsciously consider
amid the variety of their influences
to which we are predisposed
to somehow undertake
and from the murky far reaches
of say this own muse's
shadowed mystery
I must confess
the angles always from
which I work
are not so easy to estimate
nor trace
as true individuality
holds the highest office
in many a particularly evolved
woman's case
as lovely an endeavor as your
hen/egg theory on a woman's comfort was
I must conclude
the personality behind each thinker/viewer
varies greatly thus
as no two sets of eyes seem to see
what it is others feel they must
which brings about
'The Cautionary Tale Of Life'
It Is What It Is
an all too common placement
of common sense trust....................
(Mar. 5, 2011 728pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(inspired by fellow Post Poems Poet Coerulescent's poem
'At The Muse's Rebuke To A Picture Man)

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