
'Ridiculous Little Man'
how you attempt to
paint me
with your ignorance's brush
how many feigned women
have fallen for your
foiled plan
with your insults
sandwiching one or two
rare compliments
on again then off the hand
you thoughtlessly panned
such thin, thin ice
you stupidly stomped upon
what a delicious laugh
you gave me
with your
conflicted comments
drowning as you were
in your own pond scum
perhaps you set out
to off set
my good humor
with your descriptions of
the damned
it is of no real matter
for while you
self infused your
confidence with
shards of ruse
you burnt your own
little bridge
with the thoughtless
flick of your very own
lack luster hand
I will never forget you
nor respond further
to your poorly thought
out thoughts
typed just before you
hit send
so pleases spare us both
and don't bother
for I've had enough of your
sort of sick and sin...................
(Feb. 17, 2011 219am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem was born from a strange conversation I  was invited to have on yahoo messenger with someone who claimed they knew me from 3 years prior. They had a few basic facts right but they played fast and loose with the rest and I quickly saw through their thinly threaded weaving of truth and lies. I love it when seedy cyberers try to put on robes of higher thinking. It made me think of a filthy dirty street person being given a snow white tuxedo to put on. Beneath those lovely lovely pristine clothes is a person who has not bathed in months. The conversation quickly eroded away making me see through the ruse of a higher thinking 'MAN' to really just a lack luster so so individual who was out for some internet tail of sorts and tried a multitude of slight of hand ways in conversation to lure me into a seedier conversation. It was rather fun seeing through the ploy ( though some what sickening too in a way) and out chatting him by countering his many questionable points of knowledge and ideas about me. I now have his id burned in my memory and will not dignify any future summons from him with a reply. Since, I was able to pen this poem from the experience then the whole ordeal was not a total loss I should say I suppose. Any, I was humorously annoyed when I penned this ( mere moments after getting rid of the rat) so that is why one picks up on that vibe of annoyance. If I sound superior I must apologize for that too but my vanity puffed itself up to I dare admit a tiny bit insulted by such a  limp farce of a conversation.In the end I felt the guy had wasted my time for no good reason.  Enjoy (if you can)

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