
ah and yet
just beyond
such a stifling empty room
so draped in such disillusionment
stands glorious hallways
meandering through
an array of brightly inexhaustible possibilities
it's the fearful heart
that keeps the eyes downcast
in far more fortuitous moments
of personal repast
daring not to see the sparkle
of all that could be again
if fear, regret, doubt and despair
themselves were not so steadfast
in the saluting of their stance
not only grow the eyes to see
the actual bridges being offered
but master the trade itself that's needed
to paint your soul a better path
to a future worth having
those are the keys you can make
for yourself today
to help you unlock the pain
of what once was
and move on
like to quote that so beloved
old 70's song 
Switching To Glide
'So To Best Abandon The Gloom'
(Nov. 2, 2010 1009pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

inspired by fellow post poems poet Sanctus's poem 'An Empty Room'

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