
an instrument of age old advancement
security's finest weapon
marry your enemy's daughter
and his kin will not harm you nor
your home land
for killing family is off limits
the most likely insurance for a viable heir
you buy into those prized bonds as marriage
nations became strengthened by such
cold cut ties
family's prosper
land holdings increase
settling down has a calming effect
on a restless man
insulation from poverty
reigns paramount
through matrimonial bonds
by land mass
gradually gelled
countries still fought and argued
points of priority
but less wars
were waged
and it was no longer multiple tribes
against multiple tribes
in an all out blood battle dotting
the countryside and landscape
but more so governments
selling ideas of better sovereignty
to their peoples
wisdom comes with age
and these very words ring deepest true
for even countries newly cropping up
mistakes have to be made for governments
to learn
peace and stability are a far better way
even the blood thirsty likes of the IRA
a slow trailing member of a modern society
dragged its feet for a few grisly decades
through blood and upheaval
tears and desperation
until it finally came to its own conclusion
as well
blood can not beat the ink of the pen
nor the will of the entire body of the people
peace security and prosperity
speak sincerest to the lives of the masses...............
(March 14, 2010 727pm)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

was pondering over how in the last 2 to 3 hundred years the world has changed to what it is today and how that came to evolve. The elements that had to be involved for it to happen. Of course many of the elements that began wars and bloodshed ancient eons ago still go on today in unstable parts of the world but a high percentage of the populated globe lives in relative peace.

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