
whether by word of mouth
from a
fox in an acid rain storm
or a
whore in some pimp pushing drug war
slogans are being chanted
we really don't care anymore
media raped right at the government's door
live bait for the artistic schizophrenic
seagulls swarming the polluted rivers
not the over fished oceans so much anymore
net citizens denouncing global
parking in shopping malls
pissing off
paranoid meter maids
Bored nations bleeding
from their hedge funds
while stirring wonder
with talk of reducing global warming
in Copenhagen
most deeply committed mixers of war
claiming to promote peace
with bullets, bombs and gore
crazy as it reads
this is our planet Earth
as it turns on man
forcing him to walk
on broken knees..................
(Jan. 22, 2010 207am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this comes from just watching the twisted images the news shows on television each night. I bet other beings from other universes avoid us like the space plague, Earth's inhabitants are that scary to them.

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