
tell me
will this sadness never sleep
you know
scientists claim
there are dangerously deep
unexplainable holes in
the fabric of space
that absorb everything
that comes too near
and here I am
grappling with my own
ferociously hungry void
reckoning with regular
bouts of fear
empty yet still maneuvering
throughout these confines of
my space
bumping into much and
endlessly bruising myself
as I try to make my way
back in junior high school
we had  a ready made name for
such uncoordinated people
yeah that's it
I must be
an 'Emotional Klutz'
so please everyone
try to avoid me....................
(Jan 21, 2010 114am)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

not to worry, just working through what I like to call a little circumstantial depression.

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