
I feel as if my breath is on hold

my body in a stasis of surreal suspended grief

I just exist these days

real living is something I will only one day do

with you

I can not even adequately describe

the loss I am feeling

its as remote to me as a medieval time

but I know it is temporary

because I know you

you will not stay away from me long

it goes against every fiber of want and

unfailing need in your character

and my belief in our future is golden

I read your words and look in your

bottomless eyes

and hope filters through me like a

fierce tender hug from you

and I know you hold me in your thoughts

so closely

for you have confessed this so many times

even though it may seem so now

still I know I am never far from you

distance is just an illusion of this hour

a series of steps through fog and mirrors

we must each take inching a little

closer to our end goal

mutual physical presence alas attained

this is the state of desires sweet necessity

when two hearts look only towards

each other for peace, passion, love, joy

and the sweetest of all comforts allowed

a true home in such a love's arms

so know that wherever you are

my home is there in you

waiting to be welcomed

and received......................

(March 27, 2008 330am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written just for me........

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