like a fierce lush everglade
ascends upon the hush of the night
mercury vows to bestow her gift of desire
to a worthy sea drift
representing flight
the subtle emergence into a fresh new
tomorrow flawlessly starts to unfold
the ever present friction of mutual
attraction sets the idealistic pace
for the once wayward goal
misery brushes up on her latest role
communicating to the eager participants
that expediency bars only so many holds
lends to further the perfect knowledge
that love can not imagine the splendor
for which long denied desperation aspires
so very handsome are but the darkest coals
bluntly put: needing is one of the finest
logs ever placed upon the bitter grate of
life's sweet, private fires
so, giving into the truest wishes of the heart
can only add trust to one's confidence as in
any natural relationship that we know
(Jan. 22, 1996)