'Whispers Bride' is simply the words
I Love You!
spoken with true sincerity
gentle are the hands that clasp your love
to my heart
my hands
and yours as well
which path do we choose
while walking this life's age old stroll
merriment and amusement warm our happy tired
there can never be enough dancing
too much to do
the animals need fed
romance needs her own little quiet place
to dwell
along with two trusting hearts to shelter her
from future harm
superior are the imaginings of a new life that
is safe
embraceably close
breathtakingly sweet and so very warm
that is how I feel about you
with this unbearable rock in my chest
to love you until death do us part I have
solemnly sworn
in short we are in one , the other's very best.....
(Oct. 10, 1995)