such sad, sweet respite
encased by the loving arms of an ever so
softly cherished imperfect peace
whispers warmly to the welcoming floor
of my once too tangled mind
as like sanded pebbles of scattered grace
fallen from the path leading unto the serenity
of Heaven's beckoning embrace
the Pastor would call such touching analogy
inspiring seeds of righteousness
so, with a clean, new invigorated mind
I am now able to clearly think
still I try to, though not too obviously
align my gentled beliefs with that of the Pastor's
as he seems to me far more in tune to God's sacred
than such a notable novice such as myself
our time here together though short,
should oh, so wisely be well spent
yet, no individual should anti up his ego
before the audience of even the most patient
of saints
nor attempt to short change
the fearful believer of his own idea of Heaven
in which he, the blind frightened follower
often much too grimly points
for that bears the all too telling ear mark of
as such dark age acts of the too human view
placed upon religion tend to alienate the weakest
yet most needful in the flock
and I'm so very certain that the all loving
JESUS we were taught to know and grew to love
would not want such inadvertent poison so generously
disbursed among the newest additions to his
growing stock...............
(Jan. 12, 1997)