
revel in the hunger

starve bravely for the golden cause

to be thinner

a hushed secret shrouded in questionable


blurred focus faithfully waits up

for the slowing but still determined


just beyond the immediate reach of

the disturbingly tasteless rabbit food

so linger in the candy aisle

only if you dare enough to even pause

for self doubt and chocolate frosted

old attitudes will unite to prepare for

your long now predicted downfall

into absolute stuffed pigdom

a pint of triple chocolate Hagen Daas

freezes patiently in your otherwise

garden weary refrigerator

ready at the first moment's hesitation

on your part or bite your tongue

'weakness' to comfort you and your sorely

bested guilt over having fallen from such

despicable grace and right before the very

eyes of all the small

the beautiful people have won.....

you are Still FAT!.....................

(June 28, 1997)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the painful internal battles off and on for most of my adult life to do with my struggling to lose weight and my so often failing.

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