
pale and thoughtless came the fright

murderous as it was upon a fast graying

raven's wing

man could not properly see it alone

how an almost evil invading glow

animated from such a destructive thing

the brightness from within was quickly

betrayed by the chill that hovered just

above the wretched whipping trees

as the lesser winds around it

made careless love to the surrounding sands

the sight was unlike that of any natural


as fingers slowly escaped my front pocket

to touch cold lips of a faithful blue

a shocked silent witness in my

subconscious mind begged a lone scream

to do what I so desperately wished to do

but no apparent ammunition lay stored and at

my disposal

in the disbelieving after thought

was this furious funnel demon of nature

coming towards me or away in its death

marked path would I subsequently be caught

for any form of even an insane reason

I with myself as well as God fought

and in one guarded instant of utterly dark

uncertainty I tried not to but trembled

and to the west the dark demon of impossible

doom cruelly snatched up a little white house

from its tiny grassy lot

and to my then immobilized self I finally

realized that there across the horror of that

horizon a terribly frightening fierce tornado

this funnel demon resembled

so then some adequate form of shelter

I swiftly sought.....................

(Jan. 30, 1995)

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