
'The Long Rushing Roar'

from some inner penance

seemed to pour

sulfur to the open wound

as to what for me was in store

star shapes of mesmerizing splendor

beckon me like the Lord

look up!

taste the pleasure of darkness

absorb its celestial core

the blood in one's veins

the heart beat in one's chest

has a subtle way of making one

hypnotized by his very own existence

and forces a sort of forgetting of the rest

the supreme awareness of one's very own soul

housed somewhere unknown inside this death

able body

incapable of escaping it

except in route to God's very hand

living trust and realization commune with

the breath of the spirit

mist filled wonder

and its source is awe inspiring

and so I set down and hurriedly wrote this

to thank you for giving me my soul

my Lord.............................

(Jan. 21, 1995)

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