like small children
one should lead
with the power of one's heart
just as instinct
from the soul
plays a crucial
even though too often
sporadic part
calculation would best suit
our means
to remain in the category
marked cerebral skill
which is used in the works
of the most meticulous math
God granted to us the ability
to exercise our free will
as this edgy muse of mine
tumbles forth
I gather yet more jagged shards
to smooth a more by passable path
I must learn to hone this squandered
skill of mine
so to do with it what I should
and not myself undermine
I may spout off in anger
or speak in much too much
careless haste
only to be silenced by the useless
shouts of fear
and that very thought
to me
utterly reeks
of spiritual waste..............
(Jan. 17, 1998)