call me the queen of irony
with a misfit's imagination
a dapper dimwit if you will
hung like a thief
beneath the arch of society's
while facing down life's all
knowing stare
my concentration is centered
but slight
yet of myself
I am always totally self aware
even as I learn the lead logic
and reason on a wary merry chase
I bath my confusion and conscience
with heavy humor and haste
though I do so only out of shear
devilish delight
my methods remain a mixed bag of
mischief retraced
as through means of many a cleverly
thoughtless fault
I too sadly enough faultlessly
thought I couldn't lose
but I was nary mistaken naught
I lost you twice
you then the love I initially sought
while gathering about me
other's unfortunate foolish misgivings
this Petrucio
without even fully realizing it
until now
never even had the wood to craft her dream
the wheels of beguilement paddled to slap
any delusions I once had
soundly across the face
please note
that my shattered senses
shall soon again prevail
encouragement bickers
with misjudgment
over just where to begin
I think Montana would be nice!..............
(July 7, 1998)