he is my tender tyrant
Svenghali would be proud
that night made us closer
than our normal closeness
my weakness was allowed to
rest quietly against his
great strength
and since then his weakness
a time or two has rested
itself against my strength
and that made him my truest
closest confidant
he's like having a well heeled
pit bull for a best friend
he's a priceless treasure of
a prince
he tells me he'll guard all of
my secrets with his life
and tuck them gently away beneath
his enormous pride
in a previous life he must have
been a knight of Sir Richard The
Lion Hearted 's round table
well long love and live my dear
'Sir Mitch'
he would kill me if I called him
that to his face
or worse yet
he would never take me to
Baskin and Robbins ever again
he has threatened this threat a
great many times before............
(June 13, 1998)