
to flea

that is 'My Dawn Fire's Flaw'

grandma would call such notion

a rumor

where others yet known would

label my untuned muse as mere

wind spawn

for we who are of the wayward branch

like the migrating soul

are utterly incapable of staying for long

so the seed of pity grows great

as visions cast doubt down upon a miserly


the caption at the bottom of my page would

read: 'Truly Most Decided'

for such is my fate

how perfectly amusing

I've said so, so I should suppose

that I can not get away from what it is

I've unknowingly become

ah, so such a sad medley goes

a fanciful writer who is half way numb

from writing about all I've seen and what

I've yet to experience

the colossal pages of word clutter

oh, how their hasty ink I cherish

the story never really changes

it merely gets told by a different voice

that whispers in my head

so, from which point of view that I currently

write it need not ever be said

it does not really matter

for all in a heart beat at the end of each page

quite frankly are me

just standing under a new more focused gaze

of enlightenment

of this bighearted changeling that lives so

doomed in me

note I wholeheartedly embrace

the soul of discretion

such a beautiful term to fit my current

opposing mood

from me now these unharnessed feelings of

mismatched woe blow away in the chase

and I am allowed to reside in the eyes of

the redeeming good

respected once again.................

(May 23, 1996)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

trying to get a handle on how and from where my writing comes.

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