must I, my solemn self repeat
out of the mouth of pride
there comes a crooked smile so so genuine
and deep
so much so that lines form at all angles
of the face
and so much can be read of a person in such
a said case
as time inspires this quick and agile writer's
once young hand
stepping up to the moment
I fully believe in what it is for which I
soundly stand
why, I am the ostrich who never placed her head
in the sand
ah, inspiration is indeed quite grand
where are the tools for which writers trade
their spades
and who other than the Lord is there to catch
the faller when creativity burns away or
merely fades
the well seems endless
I am never for long at an idea's loss
for every pattern even in poetry is revealed
to the cloth
meaning; the writing mind knows her thoughts
and just where they lay
and she comes to them when it is indeed time
for their arisen day
so writer's block does not exist for me
for I believe in my mind and that she will
lead me to just what it is I need to see
(July 7, 1994 pm)