Cowboy & Midnight
two lack luster wanna be rebels
a little off to the right
never knew their last names
but knew a lot of fine, willing
young dames
but only in their dreams mind you
for old Cowboy & Midnight were not
really a dangerous nor good looking
though one I suppose could quite
easily say
they each had his own if not any
other 's sort of way
as real as dusters in dirt
for no true nor hopeful paramour ever
got hurt
just Cowboy & Midnight in their
lecherous grins at any passing by
flirty skirt
but they were if anything nearly as
infectious as lustfully alert
hats off boys to fine Mr. Cowboy and
rangy side kick Sir. Midnight
for not many bar fly fellows like they
are still somewhere about to make mild
joke of nor passive blight.............
(June 8, 1994 am)