and a terrible tremble fell across the entire
it was our Lord crying
for all he loved alas failed as he perceived
it would in the end
from every mentioned moment since he gave all
so he softly called all his earth bound angels
back to the glorious skies
to gather around at his disappointment and sweet
yet all knowing grace
he took each well traveled one's pure white
hand in his massively gentle palm
and said,'Come my good children let us go back
to my Heavenly Kingdom
it awaits us and from this once where hopeful
but now only desolate place
let us finally be gone
for your duties are done
and the end of my child the earth did indeed
come to pass
Revelations fulfilled her list of promises and
all non believers are now no more
just a sliver of what once could have been
a society of love and knowledge
placed upon the earth to hope to mirror most
of Heaven's finest lessons minus of course the
finest of its refined purity and deep deep
unconditional Godly Love....................
(June 7, 1994 am)