he claimed I crossed the line
when I dared to kiss his cheek
but he has a tendency to whine
as do all men like he so meek
he then accused me of
being cold
when his sweating hand I
would not take
I replied 'come, let's not play
these games for we are much too
but nor should we adhere our
very souls to the fighting for
simple arguments sake
and he slapped my startled face
when I admitted to an only mental
then said I was the ideal for a
therapist's career making case
so I laughed and laughed then
claimed I really don't care
and then I shot him quite dead
and now in the clear aftermath
the red I see before me
truly, really dark red
as in 'Blood Red'
and I do believe
that corpse on the floor over there
wallowing in its own excrement was right
I really must be insane
its just too bad that its too late to take
it all back
not that I'd like really want to or
anything though...................
(April 27,1994am)