MIXED APOLOGIES(how I am not a trained poet)


sweet indiscretion


tell me your latest game

can you even begin to recognize

the whispering sonnets in my lonely heart

hear their gentled meaning in the

pitter-patter of my poetic range

there is so much blessing

in such beloved ribbons of scripted


which explains to me in generous detail

how I am so freely able to speak of such

matters and with such intimate terms for you

though certain descriptions I use are vague

their intention is still so beautifully true

there is so much need behind the weight of

my words

but the air of description has a tendency

to blow all about so gloriously a muck

a fashion of often belatedly metered out points

express best my amateur's sporadic cue for view

as well as other points of interest

that fall beneath the will of the pen

oh, what a horrible whoring of such lacerated

literacy that you've lead me to

I may be out ranked

but I'm no untried girl

I so enjoy these frenzied endeavors of mine

though quite all too obviously I am not trained

no college nor scholastic institution would

have on its rosters my everyday common name

in fact the scholars of recognition themselves

would convulse in abject horror if they could

see today how brutally I, their previous thoughts

have butchered and or simply maimed

it would be a foul disgust laced with frank


that would be heaved my overly worded way

towards in their highly educated view

a sophisticate simpleton's choice

of pride less pitiful self expression

well, try not to patronize me too much

whenever from that pigeon holed image I stray

because I may just surprise you and me both

with whatever it is

I have or have not yet written or said...........

(Feb. 2, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have no idea who I was writing this to. Perhaps whoever happened to read my poems one day. Is hard to say.

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