
behold the weary traveler

his eyes none to wary

to withstand

the countless empty miles

his ever constant companions

he wonders

he seeks

none too aimless

in his fast narrowing course

thought quite beautiful is his beloved ideal

still the awaiting awe

eludes his every road

as he is truly a lost man

looking so very simply

to just be found

but by who he is not so very certain

yet first he has to learn

what he is looking for

is not just anywhere

like all these lovely years he's believed

but rather

its in here

deep beneath the pain filled layers

the soul like a compass

shall ever faithfully point north

even in the most agrieved

and once the panic and horror subsides

perhaps he'll allow his eyes to see

that all love

deserved or otherwise

starts from within

so love thyself first weary traveler

and ye shall never have to go it alone


as love of all kinds shall all too gladly

come looking for you

so for to grow we must give

and to give is to get

so true love will only come

once it knows you are ready for it

how will one know you ask

just trust me

you will know

such knowledge is

near indescribable...........

(Jan. 29, 1999)

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