
bloodshot sunken eyes

glare all a glitter

into my utterly clear very own

as off the well beaten path

by their obvious distorted anger

I am quite thoroughly thrown


embittered spawn of that dreadful

stupor suspicion

the brawling ring master

for all hard core drinkers

whether petty or royal

this is hatred unadorned

one hundred proof without a doubt

meant most personally

and unhinged in its final display

witnessed up close

fuel for the mental unleashing

in such terror laced moment

behind the tallest shadows

of fearful shyness

one will never for long locate me

which all that's been delivered

to date

hinges on the start but intimidating


that I was indeed most wise to be

deeply afraid of you

as stalkers for the most part make

truly lousy lovers

for they soil the very grounds of even

the most serious mental illness...........

(Jan. 21, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

watched a show about stalkers and sort of put myself in a female's shoes who is being stalked and how I would feel about such an infringement on my life and sense of safety.

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